Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New York, Yew York

Yes, I have wanted to go to New York City for, well it seems like, forever. My children don't really understand the reason and neither does my husband. It's just some place I want to see and experience as an adult. I have vague memories of New York City when I went there when I was 10 years old. I went with my mom, dad, Steve, Uncle Charles and Aunt Nellie. It was 1965 and we went for the World's Fair. I remember nothing about the actual World's Fair other than the exhibit on the presidents. I only remember that because the wax figure of Abe Lincoln was so life-like and he stood and talked. Back in those days before computers and all, it was a huge deal. I was scared to death because my mind was telling me Abe was dead; but my eyes were telling me he was there.

Anyway, that's the only thing from the World's Fair I remember. I have no idea WHERE in New York City it was. My other memories of New York was of my mom getting stuck in the subway door. That, again, was frightening to me. We ate dinner one night at a restaurant right off Broadway and there was a little trio playing (guitar, piano and drum). My Aunt Nellie wanted me to go ask them to play 'Dear Heart'; which I did. They wanted me to sing with them. I tried but I didn't know the song, which I'm sure was comical. The men were nice and polite and afterwards, asked if I wanted to sign a song I choice...'King of the Road'. My claim to fame for singing on Broadway!

Why do I was to go to New York City, my children? I don't really know how to answer it. There just seems like so much to see and do. There is Ellis Island, my family's name is listed there. I think I could spend days in Central Park alone, and all the art museums. I want to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge (I don't know why). I want to see where the World Trade Center stood. I want to attend mass at St. Patrick Cathedral; stand outside of the Today Show, go to the top of the Empire State Building; see the Rockerfeller Center; Woodworth's Building.  I want to stand on Broadway and see all the marquees. I want to ride in a horse and carriage. I would like to go over to Brooklyn and ride the oldest rollercoaster. And of course, the shows....

The Broadway shows are something I want to see.  After having seen some shows in Chicago, it only makes me want to see more on Broadway.  'They say the neon lights are bright on Broadway'

Yes, trust me when I say, I really, really, really want to go on a trip to New York City.  I hope I get to go someday soon.

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